Subscription Box Ideas

There’s no question about it, subscription commerce is in high demand. Today, there’s subscription boxes for just about every type of lifestyle you could imagine. When it comes to having a successful subscription box business, there’s a few key pillars you must have.

  • Idea is a way of life – (Sports, Running, Fitness)
  • Strong influential communities – (Facebook, Instagram, Forums)
  • Recurring need – (Shaving, Gifts)
  • Emotional connection
  • Make someone happy – (Kids, Cats, Dogs, Teachers)

A lot of you are having trouble coming up with a great subscription box idea, so we wanted to get you inspired and show you a number of different subscription box ideas so you can find one that works for you.

(1) Book Subscription Boxes

One of the most popular subscription box ideas has been book subscription boxes. Think about the book clubs, book of the month clubs, these have been around for nearly 100 years. We love books and there’s no shortage of book categories you can target for your subscription box business.

If you can build a community behind your book subscription box, your chances for success increase.

(2) Art Subscription Boxes

Another popular subscription box idea is art subscription boxes. There’s a number of different products that could qualify as an art subscription box. From paints and brushes to clay or stencils, you could really get creative with a subscription box idea like this.

You may want to think about getting the kids involved, hence finger-painting, fun projects.

(3) Fitness Subscription Boxes

There’s no question that one of the most popular categories is fitness, so why not have a fun, inspirational fitness subscription box? You could focus on men’s fitness, women’s fitness or both. Ideas for this subscription box business are endless. You could focus on workouts, exercises, diets, eating healthy or perhaps a motivational/inspirational approach included.

(4) Baking Subscription Boxes

Should it come as a surprise that we love food? Especially goodies? What about a baking subscription box? This subscription idea could easily include thousands of different products. Pies, cookies, holiday treats, recipes, cakes, there’s many creative ways to building a subscription box your subscribers will love.

(5) Dog Subscription Boxes

We love our pets and we’ll spend good money to keep them happy. One of the top pet subscription boxes goes to dogs. Dog treats, snacks, toys, bones, food and outfits are just a few ideas for dog subscription boxes. Since this idea hits on the vital pillars, it’s certainly worth exploring.

(6) Chocolate Subscription Boxes

You bet, men, women and kids LOVE chocolate. Sure, we love chocolate around the holidays but we also love chocolate all year round. While chocolate can be found anywhere,

(7) Coffee Subscription Boxes 

The world loves coffee. Men and women love coffee so much, many are willing to invest in a coffee subscription box to try different coffees throughout the month. The coffee niche already has countless vendors, so you’ll likely be able to find coffee at a great price point.

(8) Snack Subscription Boxes

A snack subscription box would open the doors of possibilities to creating an unforgettable subscription box business. Snacks can also deliver on the profit margins you’re going to need (we recommend at least 40 percent). With snack vendors all across the globe, they’ll be no shortage of products you could use for your subscription. It’s a great subscription box idea.

(9) Fan Subscription Boxes

One creative subscription box idea is having a fan subscription box. While you may be thinking “sports” and that would be perfectly fine, we’d suggest expanding that into television and movies. Think how big The Walking Dead is or The Hunger Games in their prime. Remember, passion is a big thing in successful subscription boxes, a passionate community of fans can provide what you need to be a success.

(10) Gardening Subscription Box

A lot of people are into gardening, it’s a big niche. Some people do it competitively, some people do it for a hobby. It’s another great subscription niche for you to focus on. There’s a lot of different pockets in gardening, like how-to, planting, flower types, vegetables, there’s many directions you can approach with this.

(11) Soap Subscription Boxes

Soaps are another niche category that’s perfect for a subscription business. A lot of women and some men really enjoy trying different soaps, shampoos and bath bombs. You’ll be able to use different soap types and soap fragrances, the options are endless.

(12) Baby Subscription Boxes

A very popular subscription box is baby subscription boxes. If you’ve had the joy of being a parent, you know there’s a ton of different baby products that could be included in your monthly boxes. Clothes, bottles, baby food, baby snacks, diapers, blankets, soaps, shampoos, the list goes on and on.

(13) Cleaning Subscription Boxes

Don’t think cleaning supplies are important to mom and dad? Think again. The cleaning supplies industry is huge and face it, we love cleaning supplies that does the job. Now, it’s true, you can find cleaning supplies from anywhere, so you’re going to need something unique, something hard to find to make it super successful.

(14) Sports Subscription Boxes

Sports are huge around the world and die hard fans love their sports teams. The good news, there’s a ton of different options for creating your sports subscription boxes. Trading cards, jerseys, flags, signs, shorts, shirts, pants, socks, jewelry, the possibilities are limitless. Build a powerful community behind your brand and there’s no question this type of subscription box idea could be a big hit.

(15) Beauty Subscription Boxes

The beauty industry is huge and worldwide, so naturally a beauty subscription box could be a major success. When you think about all the beauty products that could be included in your boxes, the combinations are endless. Brushes, mirrors, lipstick, makeup, serums, night cream, lotions, eye liner, it’s one of those niches where the ideas are limitless.

(16) Food Subscription Box

If there’s one thing everyone loves, it’s food. Food is a part of all cultures and a food subscription box may win the hearts of all your subscribers. What makes this a great subscription box idea is all the different concepts you could roll out with. For example, each month you could do a new culture box, only sending food from that specific country. With hundreds of countries around the world, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding additional inspiration.

(17) Tea Subscription Boxes

While tea may not surpass the popularity of coffee, it’s still a big industry. Tea is a big part of the growth we’ve seen in the beverage market. One of the fastest growing segments in tea right now is ready-to-drink tea. Wholesale tea sales surpassed $12 billion. A tea subscription box can deliver hard to get teas from around the world. Since tea is often consumed with different cakes and snacks, the possibilities are endless.

(18) Wine Subscription Boxes

The wine industry is one of the biggest industry types in the world. Just to give you an example, wine sales in the U.S. for September 2018 was $3.8B. With great wines hard to come by, a wine subscription box every month sounds like a great idea.

(19) Makeup Subscription Boxes

Women love their makeup, right ladies? Women also enjoy trying new products, so a makeup subscription box may be a great idea to run with. Sure, you’re going to need to get creative with your makeup subscription boxes but there’s many ways you can make this type of box fun.

(20) Vegan Subscription Boxes

If you’re a vegan, you know how tough it can be to find vegan foods. This is exactly why thousands of vegans are searching for a vegan subscription box. If you make vegan foods, this would be a great subscription box idea and a great way to start selling your products.

What To Do Next

Now that you have a few subscription box ideas to research, you’re going to need go through our checklist on starting your subscription box business. Check it out, start building your plan and get ready to launch to the market!

If you need help with your subscription box fulfillment, make sure you give us a call. We’d love the opportunity to discuss how we can help you grow your company.

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