How To Grow Retail Sales: 9 Strategies To Start Using Now

So, you want more retail sales. If you’re a retailer, you know sales are going to slump at times. It doesn’t matter if it’s due to less foot traffic or just a fluke you can’t explain, being prepared and know what actions to take to improve retail sales is very important.

If you’re experiencing a sales slump, no worry, we’re going to share several strategies to help you get your sales back up. With all the different multi-channel platforms out there, there’s no shortage of ways to start growing retail sales.

(1) Choosing The Right Retailers

One of the fastest ways to grow retail sales is by partnering with the right retailers. I know, easier said than done, but you can make it happen.

Getting shelf space within the right retail store can be life changing for you and your company.

Learn how Thill can help you get into retail stores.

(2) Better Data And Tracking

It’s near impossible to grow your retail business if you’re not tracking the right things and making the right decisions based on that data. If you don’t know which sales channel works best or which is bringing in the most profit or product sales, how can you ever make the right decisions for your business?

Our OMS here at Thill integrates with the top ecommerce platforms for your fulfillment, such as

At Thill, our order management software is second to none, tracking all the key real-time metrics you need in your order fulfillment process.

(3) Improving Your Fulfillment Process

If you want to improve your retail sales, you must be willing to improve your fulfillment process. The best customers are repeat customers and the one way to ensure they buy more is by keeping them happy.

You should always plan ahead for your order fulfillment. What would happen if your sales begin to increase by 100 percent? 200 percent? More than likely, your fulfillment would be overwhelmed. Why wait until it’s too late when you can start thinking about outsourcing your order fulfillment now.

3PL fulfillment companies like Thill offer a wide range of fulfillment services to help you grow your retail business.

(4) Social Media Marketing

One of the fastest and most effective ways to immediately improve your retail sales is by using social media marketing. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are two of the best social media communities to be in front of. More than likely, you can find your target audience there and it’s not hard to get in front of a lot of people quickly.

The Facebook ad platform allows you reach audiences in a number of different ways, both on Facebook and Instagram. YouTube is another potential channel to utilize, organically and with paid traffic.

When we think of companies that do social media well, SkyToyBox is a great example. SkyToyBox is an online source for Roblox toys and virtual codes. They’ve used both organic and paid Google traffic to grow their business, also catching a trend (Roblox itself) along the way.

(5) Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is another effective way you can grow retail sales. With SEO, you can target specific keywords that your potential customers are using in Google’s search engine.

With SEO, you can focus on targeting specific keywords your audience would use to search for products like you have to sell. There’s a number of different SEO strategies you can follow to make that happen. Just do a quick Google search for it.

(6) Better Shopping Experience

While many business owners tend to forget, it’s often the little things that matter the most. Amazing customer service is vital not only to retail but all businesses. We want you to think about your customers’ shopping experience. The question to ask, “How can I make my customers’ shopping experience better?

How you engage with your customers at every touch point is important. Your potential customers will likely need a number of different touch points before they buy from you. If your staff and team is creating those conversations, that can improve your sales cycle by 50 percent or more.

(7) Product Ad Ons

There’s a lot of useful information you can get from Amazon, especially their product page layout. You see Amazon use a “Purchased Together” widget, which includes a few products that are often purchased together. It’s a great way to increase your ecommerce cart value.

We know Amazon has likely spent millions of dollars on research and testing for their product landing pages. It goes to show how a long form product landing page can convert at a high level. If you want to get a few more tips from them, that may not be such a bad idea.

With add-ons, you can add “one click” options to your retail product pages so customers can click just one button to add a product to their ecommerce cart.

(8) Get Their Attention

If you want to grow retail sales, you have to continuously reach new audiences. While we’ve talked about social media marketing and SEO to get the word out, there’s many more strategies that may be worth trying.

  • Television
  • Radio
  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Tradeshow/Events
  • Flyers
  • Paid Ads
  • Referrals
  • Word-Of-Mouth

Let’s say you’re trying to grow your subscription box business. While getting attention is important, you have to keep that attention too. How is your product different from your competitors? How is unique from other products?

Your messaging is equally important in getting and keeping attention.

(9) Test, Test And Test Some More

You’ll never know if you don’t try it, so testing different strategies to grow your retail sales is vital to finding what works and what doesn’t.

Your goal is to continuously grow your business, if you’re optimizing around fulfillment, you can’t go wrong.

Here at Thill Inc., we have over 50+ years of fulfillment experience. If you’re ready to start optimizing your order fulfillment, talk to one of our experts and we’ll see if we can help. You can reach us during regular business hours by calling 1-920-967-9201.

Need a Fulfillment Partner?

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